STANDING AGAINST VIOLENCE: Protection Against the Wolves

The life-blood of Gun Owners of California and our national counterpart Gun Owners of America has always rested on our Constitutional guarantee to protect ourselves, our homes and our loved ones.  We’ve done a darn good job of keeping our fingers on the pulse of how this right is being eaten away – but just learned a stunning fact about the prevalence of violence in houses of worship.

It surprised us to learn that since 1999, over 542 people have died violently while on church or faith based property.  Indeed, what should be the ultimate sanctuary from worldly evil is instead a target, and the tragic numbers actually come close to rivaling that of school shooting fatalities.

The good news is that on July 23, 2016 at Arcade Church in Sacramento, Californians will have a unique opportunity to learn how not to be a victim – no matter where one is -whether during worship or elsewhere.

It’s all about learning how to become watchful and protective – a “sheepdog” so to speak.  Stepping in to educate, prepare and prevent violent episodes is a Texas based company (and strong advocate for the 2ndAmendment) that trains faith-based organizationsSheepdog Seminars for potential incidents.  Sheepdog Seminars has responded to this season of violence in our world, and GOC wholeheartedly shares their view that it’s time for “defenders to take their stand.”  Places of worship are natural targets and major steps must be taken to secure their protection.

Sheepdog Seminars appeals to churches to form “Eyes and Ears Teams”, coaching men and women to “watch” (thus, the name “sheepdog”) for anyone and anything that threatens the safety of the congregation.  They recommend teams of carefully selected and trained laypeople that are able to assess risks and establish a security plan for responding to threats.

The seminars, however, go beyond the issue of violence at houses of worship, and explain how anyone can be a “sheepdog” at all public places – whether at a mall, a theater or school. The seminars have brought together people from across the country who believe they have a calling “to serve and protect others.”

Lt. Col. (Ret.) Dave Grossman  will be the featured speaker on the 23rd; he is a director of Sheepdog Seminars Group International and the Warrior Science Group, a member of both the American Board for Certification in Homeland Security and the American College of Forensic Examiners.   He is an internationally recognized author, soldier and speaker who is one of the world’s foremost experts in the field of human aggression and the roots of violence and violent crime, and his presentation will focus primarily on what it means to be a “sheepdog” no matter where one is – inside of church and outside.  He will be joined by 35-year police officer (ret.) and minister, Jimmy Meeks, as well as Security Consultant Carl Chinn who will expound on the New Life Church tragedy (Colorado Springs, CO – December 2007; 2 killed) and his personal experience in 1996, when a gunman entered the Focus on the Family property and took several hostages, himself included.

The Sacramento Seminar is being supported by the Law Enforcement Chaplaincy of Sacramento, Alvarez Associates a security risk management firm that specializes in workplace violence prevention, assessment and response and The Well-Armed Woman, a non-profit organization that organizes local groups of women around the country (boasting 45 chapters) that meet monthly to practice, learn and grow as shooters.

For a more information and for a printable flyer about the event, click here.

From Sheepdog Seminars:


…wolves, sheep, and sheepdogs. Most people are sheep – and there’s nothing wrong with that. They love peace and quiet, and they are not likely to rise to the occasion should violence strike.

Another kind of person is a wolf. Wolves can be vicious. They will attack a person just because they want their wallet, or choose to rape their daughter. They are evil.

Fortunately, there is a third kind of person in the world: Sheepdogs. Sheepdogs love peace, too. However, they are aware that there is evil in the world. They know the wolves prowl about. They do not crave violence, and wish the world was free of its wars and riots. But they know that heaven with its glory has not yet arrived. And until it does, the sheepdog will take his/her stand against violent people (wolves).