Be warned – questionable content follows…

Just when we think we’ve seen it all, news about a penis-fest jumps off the computer screen and quite literally smacks us in the face.

Katie Pavlich

For those who think California is the only land of fruit and nuts, welcome to Wisconsin, where students are protesting conservative journalist Katie Pavlich.  Evidently, her hardcore advocacy of the 2nd Amendment is enough to send the snowflakes into such a tizzy, that they are planning – and pardon the off-color verbiage – a “Bonerfide Penis-Arts Festival” at the same time she is speaking at the University of Wisconsin next week.  Really.

The Young American’s Foundation is sponsoring Pavlich, a New York Times (hate to give them credit here but at least it is not fake news) best-selling author, Townhall editor and regular Fox news contributor.  Articulate as she is passionate about the 2nd Amendment, the upcoming demonstration by the “Cocks not Glocks” (not kidding) crowd are “using dildos to draw attention to the absurd potential of guns on campus.”

OK, so this takes goofy/awkward/rude to a whole new level.

The Young America’s Foundation is committed to ensuring that increasing numbers of young Americans (that would include college students) understand and are inspired by such ideals as individual freedom, a strong national defense and free enterprise, but this obviously threatens soft-minded leftist students.  They have accused YAF of attempting to divide the student body and object to Pavlich’s statement that gun rights are a feminist issue and that “rape and campus sexual assault can be prevented by carrying firearms.

To that end, the event organizers recommend the following:

“Tie that dildo to your backpack and wear it proudly to class every day,” and “If people think taking loaded guns to class is socially acceptable, harmless vibrating toys should be too.”

 Ah, kids.  They are so humorous sometimes, but their brain elevator just hasn’t come close to reaching the top floor.

Why aren’t they protesting the mind-blowing increases in STDs on college campuses?  STDs are far more frightening than a law-abiding armed student.  A whopping one in five college students have genital herpes – and a recent report by the CDC reveals that between 2014 and 2015, gonorrhea is up 13%, syphilis by 19% and cases of chlamydia grew to an incredible 1.5 million – the highest ever reported.  The majority of these cases are among college age kids.  Do they not get that each one of these are serious ailments that can have life threatening consequences – syphilis, for example can cause paralysis, numbness, blindness, and even death.  Where are the protests on this?

Back to that elevator.  The last thing we want to do is give these ridiculous minds-full-of-mush any slack, but when a report cited by Faculty Focus that only 23% of two-year students, and 38% of four-year students perform at a “proficient” level in prose literacy (skills required to function in everyday American life) it’s no wonder they believe that protesting with sex toys is helpful to the debate.

Grown-ups are supposed to be able to tolerate a good, robust dialogue – not run for cover and squawk about speech that’s “hateful” simply because they don’t like it.  Sad thing is, the leftist adults of the world are just as guilty proclaiming that a different point of view is dangerous.

GOC is pleased to report that YAF is taking all this lunacy in stride.  “We deserve the right to free speech and expression. We should be able to discuss relevant issues on campus, regardless of how anyone—including University officials—feels about those issues…we are bringing Ms. Pavlich to speak on the right we have, as stated by the Constitution, to bear arms,” says a statement from UW-Madison YAF. “Women (and men as well), have the freedom to be able to protect themselves from danger with this right.” 

 Amen to that.