Defending The Second Amendment

We believe the Second Amendment was adopted by our Founders in order to guarantee a way of protection for one's self, family, and country against the dangers of a broken world.

Payne-Mason - Gun Owners of California Cigars

Our "No compromise" partners.

52 Guns in 52 Weeks Raffle Winner list

Only 1500 tickets sold! $50 per ticket!
Get your tickets today! There are only a few left!

Protecting Your Heritage

We believe in the heritage of our country, in passing on the discipline of hunting, and in protecting the right of families to teach responsibility to their children.

Preserving the Art & Sport

Firearms are widely used across the country in a sport of discipline and accuracy. We believe that sport is a right that shall not be restricted or infringed.

Become a Patriot

Stand with Gun Owners of California in the fight to protect & preserve the Second Amendment

Our Vision and Purpose

Dedicated to the unequivocal defense of the 2nd Amendment, and America’s extraordinary heritage of firearm ownership.


Legislature Returns to the State Capitol: BEWARE!

July 31, 2024

The California Senate and the Assembly have returned to the State Capitol today (Monday, August 5) and the final legislative push has begun.  Since this is an election year, the 2023-2024 Session will officially shut down on August 31, which means the Hefty Leftys will try to inflict as much damage on Californians as possible…

Common Sense Takes a Holiday at the Capitol

June 26, 2024

GOC Front and Center in Opposition to AB 2917 and AB 3064 Anyone going into the Capitol building in Sacramento is required to go through security which involves a scenario much like the TSA operation at airports.  The one big difference, though is getting on an airplane does not mandate you leave your brain in…

Current News

Split Legal Victory and More 2A News

September 9, 2024

BIG NEWS: The latest decree from the 9th Circuit was to “split the baby” when it comes to where Californians can carry a concealed weapon in the Golden State.  Even though it was a partial victory – we will take the wins when we can get them! We won on carrying in hospitals, medical facilities,…

Can’t Put Lipstick on a Pig and More 2A News!

August 12, 2024

California was thrust into the national limelight once Joe Biden was booted from the race for the Presidency.  Why? Because VP Kamala Harris is from the Golden State and we are the perfect example of why she should not be elected President. There are literally millions of us who feel this way – solid, responsible…

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