SB 1160 Amended (Portantino) – Opposition Letter
April 16, 2024 – Dear Senator Portantino: I am writing to express Gun Owners of California’s opposition to your SB 1160 in its newly amended form, which now seeks to penalize persons for openly carrying a firearm that is not registered to them. The whole issue of the constitutionality of open carry bans and restrictions…
AB 2917 (Zbur) – Opposition Letter
April 16, 2024 – Dear Assemblymember Zbur: I am writing to express Gun Owners of California’s opposition to your AB 2917 which pertains to Gun Violence Restraining Orders (GRVO/Red Flag Laws) and seeks to expand the conditions under which such an order is issued to include consideration of certain threats or acts of violence directed…
AB 3064 (Maienschein) – Opposition Letter
April 16, 2024 – Dear Assemblymember Maienschein: I am writing to express Gun Owners of California’s opposition to your AB 3064, which authorizes the Department of Justice to charge an annual fee on those manufacturers or importers who sell any firearm device listed on the Department’s safety roster. Additionally, AB 3064 requires that any device…