Legislative Action Center

Take action!
Stand with us in opposition to anti-gun legislation!

Our Legislative Action Center enables you to MAKE YOUR VOICES HEARD.  GOC has not been silent for over 40 years and we will continue to advocate boldly in defense of the Second Amendment.  Join us in the vital effort!  By clicking on the links below you will be able to swiftly reach out to your local representatives with your opinion on upcoming legislation.

AB 2917 | Zbur (D)

Assemblyman Rick Zbur’s AB 2917 will expand the conditions under which a Gun Violence Restraining Order can be issued to include highly subjective criteria such as what some might call “violent” speech.

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AB 3064 |Maienschein (D)

AB 3064 is a “gotcha” bill that authorizes the Department of Justice to charge an annual fee on manufacturers who sell any firearm device listed on the Department’s safety roster. It forces businesses to pay a fee to the state for the simple purposes of having a firearm safety device on the market in California and if one of these devices falls off the certified list, responsible gun owners could be charged with non-compliance!

2024 Gun Owners Events!

Learn more about the upcoming 2024 Gun Owners Events!

SB 1038 | Blakespear (D)

In 2016, Proposition 63 (the Safety for All Initiative) was passed by California’s voters and one of the many negative components was the requirement that individuals report the loss or theft of a gun within 5 days.  This bill pushes that requirement to only 48 hours.

Help us oppose SB 1038 by contacting your local legislators!

Every vote counts!

Your engagement in California elections could be crucial in electing legislators committed to protecting our Second Amendment rights!

SB 1253 | Gonzalez (D)

SB 1253 would prohibit a person from possessing a firearm unless they had a valid, unexpired firearm safety certificate that must be renewed every five years.  GOC opposes this bill because it will not solve the many issues that come with the criminal misuse of a firearm; rather, it puts the burden on conscientious individuals who shouldn’t need to prove they are responsible.