Our “Legislative Resources” will give you all the tools you need to stay informed about gun-related legislation, how you can actively engage in the process and what GOC is doing on your behalf at the Capitol.

Stay Informed with Current Legislation

Being aware is the first part of the battle. Use GOC's special resources to view all bills currently before the Legislature.

Legislative Calendar

2024 Legislative Deadlines.

Life Cycle of a Bill

How a bill moves through the legislative process.

Find My Rep.

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Legislative News

GOC Statement on the Gun and Ammo Tax Coming July 1, 2024

Ever since the gun “excise” tax issue was brought before the Legislature, GOC has been at the tip of the spear in voicing our opposition. Taxing an enumerated right is…

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  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                     …

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The California Legislature loves nothing better than giving the middle finger to the Constitution, and Leftist legislators have been doing some celebratory fist bumping with the passage of SB 2,…

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SJR 7: Gun Owners of California Letter of Opposition

August 17, 2023 Senator Aisha Wahab State Capitol Sacramento, California 95814 RE:  SJR 7 | OPPOSE Dear Senator Wahab: Gun Owners of California is writing to express our strong opposition…

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Late Night Victory as 2 Anti-Gun Bills DIE in Final Moments of Session

Thank you to each and every one of you that took the time to contact your legislators about SB 918 and AB 1227.  WE DID IT! Both bills died a spectacular death…

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More Good Guy With a Gun and a Bad Bill ALERT!

Just last week, an 80-year-old store owner took matters into his own hands when surveillance cameras showed that four armed and masked men were getting ready to enter his place…

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Excise Tax Bill Amended with an Urgency Clause to Skirt Legislative Deadline After Failed Vote In order to get a crack at another vote following the defeat of his AB…

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A Open Note to the Assembly Appropriations Committee

After multiple attempts … yes, we said “attempts”, to testify in various committees on your behalf and in defense of the Second Amendment, have failed, GOC Executive Director sent an…

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Our Tips for Citizen Lobbying

For 40 years, Gun Owners of California has been at the tip of the spear in fighting for effective crime control and opposing ineffective gun control. We do this by boldly jumping into the legislative fray to impact public policy. Make no mistake – this is a battle, and we are far more productive when you join us!

When our Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution they recognized that the right of citizens to “petition” the government was vital to the success of our representative democracy and one of the most effective tools available to organizations like GOC is grassroots advocacy.

Grassroots advocacy is “the basic source of support from the ground up” - engaging the public to advocate, organize and mobilize for themselves. There is a huge value in this because it is people-driven, and YOU can be part of it. When we join in a collective voice in support or opposition to an issue, we can be a powerful and effective force in changing public policies, whether at the local level, in Sacramento or even in Washington DC.

The tips below have been pulled from decades of experience working in and around the California Legislature. We know our stuff, and we are here to help you know yours as well. Read on!